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    Calipers for Industrial Disc Brakes / MS Series

    The Twiflex MS series of disc brake calipers is suitable for use with a disc thickness of 12.7mm. Minimum disc diameter is 250mm.


    In industrial disc brakes, one or two calipers are used per disc, mounted horizontally (i.e. at the 3 o’clock or 9 o’clock position) to prevent rubbing of one brake pad due to self-weight of the thruster. A range of brake discs is available from Twiflex (see Disc and Hub Assemblies).


    For pneumatic operation use dry, filtered and non-lubricated compressed air. Pneumatic industrial disc brakes require a control valve, operated either manually or by pneumatic or electrical signal.


    The ratings shown on the graphs are based on fully bedded in and conditioned brake pads with a nominal friction coefficient μ = 0.4. Twiflex industrial disc brakes have to be used in conjunction with Twiflex asbestos free brake pads.


    Effective disc radius = actual radius (m) – 0.03m.

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