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    HPB High Performance Brakes

    Our newly developed Electromagnetic Fail-Safe Brake

    Compact modular braking system as 2 face and 4 face design with IP67 for off-shore, marine and harbor applications


    This special electromagnetic fail-safe brake combines highest performance on smallest space with best protection against environmental influences up to IP67. This working, holding and emergency stop brake makes your application safe!


    This new design is based on the current technologies and calculation methods to meet all current requirements. The modular system offers different variations.


    The high protection of each part allows a long lifetime in harsh environments, like offshore or marine. Usable for nearly all kinds of winches, hoists and industrial applications.



    • Flood and seawater proof and high protection against harsh environments, especially for harbor, offshore and marine applications!
    • All kinds of winches, hoists and cranes
    • Industrial and other applications with high level requirements


    Benefits include


    • Comprehensive brake torque range from 80 – 5000 Nm
    • Optimized design for maximum performance in smallest space
    • Designed for high-speed applications
    • Protection class up to IP67
    • Type approvals considered
    • Best heat dissipation for best dynamic performance
    • Wide range of options like tachometer mounting, terminal box, anti-condensation heater, micro-switches to monitor switching states and/or wear indication
    • Rectifiers and quick switching units optimize switching comfort

    Book a FREE Assessment

    Drive-Line Inc. is proud to have partnered with some of the leading manufacturers of industrial clutches and brakes to deliver you the most advanced motion control solutions available on today’s market.